
To me, Sacred Artisanship represents being fully present and open to the Divine during the experience of making or becoming. Here is a small collection of artwork I created while being immersed in that co-creative dance.

Mixed Media




Coming Soon!

A limited selection of hand-crafted artwork, greeting cards, and spiritual tools.

Fairy print, botanical eco-prints, natural dyes, line drawing
Simple, calm, repetitive line drawing pattern.
Botanical eco-print, playful line drawing of roses and popcorn

Custom Mixed Media Art

Are you interested in artwork made as a gift for yourself or a loved one? 

It could be art that:

  • reflects your unique energy, 

  • or carries the frequencies of an energy you’re calling into your life

  • or represents a significant achievement, or crossing of a threshold

If you are drawn to my style of work and you’d like to see what I’m called to make in partnership with Spirit on your behalf, contact me for a consultation. 

Coming soon!