My Approach

Being fully present and open to the Divine is something I bring into my work both as an artist and energy healing practitioner. My approach is based on the following seven foundational elements:

Healing comes from the Divine 

The Divine is in everything. Healing simply brings forth the true divine nature that’s already in you. Your healing does not come from another person. It comes from the Divine. My role as an energy healer is to create an open channel between you and Source, to hold space and allow the healing that is meant for you to come through and be received by you. 

We are all creative 

Everyone has something unique and beautiful about them. It might be a creative practice or talent, or it could be a way of being in the world, the way you see others. You don’t have to be (or even want to be) a professional artist or writer, for example, but you do have a creative gift that when expressed, connects you to the divine, enhances your life experience, and benefits others. 

Sharing the gifts you’ve been given benefits all of us

We are all different, unique expressions of the infinite Oneness. Expressing your innate divinity by sharing your creative gifts makes a positive contribution to the world. Your art, your writing, your gardening, your caring for other beings - doing that thing that makes you feel most alive - is what changes the energy of the world, creating the best possible version of the world in which we live. And, when you begin to express more of your true self, you show others how they might do the same. You inspire others, just by being yourself. This is part of how we create a new earth.

You have an important role to play in your own healing

You are a powerful creator. You are continually creating your experience through your thoughts, emotions, actions, and energy you broadcast. By being intentional with those, you can work towards creating a life that is more enjoyable and fulfilling. In this way, you embody your sovereignty.  

We can learn through joy and ease, not just suffering

Suffering and struggle are responses to life circumstances, and they are part of the human experience. They offer wisdom and expand our own heart’s capacity, but that is not the only way to grow. As you heal your own heart, you begin to embody more of your true self, and are able to choose paths that feel more joyful, without judgment or fear. 

Art is a way of accessing the Divine

Objects, especially handmade objects, have a unique energy that they broadcast, just like we do. A work of art holds the intentions and emotions that the artist put into it. It offers you a moment of peace, awe, or appreciation every time you interact with it. Art made with sacred intention transmits those intentions and helps inspire your own spiritual practice.  

Process is as important as the end-result

The way something is made, or the way someone becomes a new version of herself, matters. Experiencing transformative healing or art is not just about arriving at a destination, it’s about what happens along the way. It’s about tuning in more deeply with the Divine and your true nature. The energy and emotion that an artist or healer puts into the work all have a significant impact.

Would you like more information?

Find out more about me here.

Or read about ways of working with me.