Welcome in the energies of the season by nurturing new personal and spiritual growth.

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Custom-made Sacred Seasons journals weave together the energies of the season with your personal energy and intentions. 

This journal is an energetic container to support you as you intentionally shape your thoughts, words, and actions to be more aligned with a new version of yourself. 

It is a tool to help you know your inner truth and wisdom more clearly so that they may be reflected outwardly in a life that feels even more satisfying, fulfilling, and engaging to you.

A 1:1 energy healing session brings in divine support to help clear blocks in your energy field and align your energy more with higher frequencies. You may also receive intuitive messages or a spirit guide to help you on your path. 

The Inspiration 

There is something powerful about the act of writing down the truths we wish to embody or call into our lives. Being centered and connected as we sit down to write, and clearly aligning our thoughts, words, and emotions as we write is a powerful declaration to ourselves and the universe. 

I felt inspired to create this offering because journaling and energy healing have been instrumental in my own process of spiritual awakening and living more as my true self.

I have had pivotal, life-changing moments of insight come from doing deep energy work, which can be incredibly profound in the moment but quickly become a part of ordinary life. 

Journaling is a way to record those moments of growth and reconnect with how far we have come on our own paths of awakening. Sometimes, the act of writing down our insights and experiences can give us a new understanding of what happened. And sometimes, coming back later to reflect on those writings, we see those experiences in a new light, one that illuminates what we are experiencing today.

The seasons carry their own energetic frequencies that impact our inner states of being.

Nature’s wisdom can help us if we let it.
Allowing those energies to support us can help our lives unfold with greater flow, acceptance, inspiration, or peace, depending on what we need.

How This Works

We start with a short 15-minute conversation about your intentions for using the journal and what you hope to create in your life this season.  

After this, I create a ceremony where I ask the Divine to show me what your journal looks like, what qualities of Spring want to be included, and what spirit guides and energies want to be included in your journal. 

Over the course of three to four weeks, your journal will be hand-crafted and shipped to you. Once you receive it, you can schedule your 1:1 energy healing session, where we’ll dive deeper into your intentions for this new season of your life and bring through energy healing to support you. 

The Journal 

The journal is made with fine, archival-quality cloth, board, paper, and thread.  

The pages are blank, archival quality, 80lb (120gsm) heavy text-weight paper; this paper can last for generations and is perfect for pen, pencil, and light washes of ink or watercolor. 

Journal dimensions are 9” x 6” x 0.5" when closed. There are approximately 48 pages in this slim journal and the book opens flat. The rigid book board covers make a nice writing surface. 

The materials, design, and color of your journal are all based on your unique energy and intentions. These divine frequencies will support your spiritual and personal growth as you use the journal. 

Some of these frequencies will be qualities of the season that specifically resonate with you and your intentions (for example, you may benefit from more earth energy to help you feel confident and grounded as you go forward into new territory); and some of the energies will be helping spirits and guides that want to collaborate with you (for example, Archangel Michael or a power animal).

Your journal will be shipped to you three to four weeks after our initial Zoom call.

The Healing Session

Once you receive your journal, you can schedule your 1:1 energy healing session over Zoom. This session is where we can go deep, and get powerful help from Source to help you live the life you are calling in. 

We’ll begin your energy session with a conversation about your intentions, what is and isn’t working in your life right now, and what you want to create in your life. We’ll talk about what you want to call into your life, what qualities you want to embody, and what you are ready to release. This conversation allows you to speak aloud your truest desires. I’ll listen closely to your words and the energy behind them. 

Then you can sit back, relax, and receive a gentle, peaceful healing. 

I will work with Source and my spirit guides to remove energetic blocks from your field and call in higher, more aligned frequencies. Depending on what your soul most needs you may receive lost soul parts, be freed from previous vows or binding contracts, or have energetic cords released.

All of this work will help you to live more as your true self, to feel more confident in the wisdom you carry, and then to more easily express that in your life. 

There may be energetic qualities or spirit guides that volunteer to support you in your intentions. We’ll talk about how you can best work with them and they may have messages to share with you and or questions for you to reflect on while writing in your journal.

What’s Included

  • A one-of-a-kind journal, made specifically for you based on your unique energy.  

  • An initial 15-minute conversation about your intentions. This will give you a chance to speak aloud your intentions for using the journal. It will also give me a clearer sense of your energy.

  • A 60-minute Energy Healing session on Zoom. 

This is for you if you: 

  • Are interested in knowing yourself more deeply 

  • Want to live a life where you are fully expressing your true nature

  • Have already done a lot of inner work and are interested in continued self-discovery

  • Appreciate well-made hand-crafted items and the energy they carry

  • Feel that journaling helps you organize your thoughts, and you want to document your evolution so you can see how far you’ve come

  • Want to be a new version of yourself, one who is freed from the limiting beliefs and patterns that have kept you stuck

  • Are interested in paying greater attention to your life, your inner seasons, and using the energies of the season to enhance your own growth.

Sacred Seasons:

Bespoke Journal & Energy Healing Session


Price includes shipping within the u.s. 
If you need shipping to another country, please purchase from my Etsy shop.   

NOTE: because of the personal and energy-intensive nature of this gift, there are no returns or exchanges available after our initial scheduled Zoom call.

Further Customization Options

Are you interested in a different size journal? Or a specific type of paper or binding style?  Please contact me to inquire about custom modifications. 

About the Maker

Your journal is carefully crafted with attention to detail by a professional bookbinder and energy healer. 

I am a World Peace Karuna Reiki Teacher and Advanced Practitioner with over a decade of experience. I also have a background in professional bookbinding and book conservation, having worked for several major museums and libraries in the US. 

I believe creative practice is a powerful tool for self discovery.

My intention is to create harmony with my work, to create inner states of peace for you to be able to access greater awareness, which can lead to change, healing, and growth – for you and the ones around you.