For those ready to explore new territories of inner self, sit with grief, sadness, and loss, and honor these feelings so that they can be integrated and transformed. 

This three-month healing experience will begin in December and end in March. 

It includes: 

  • a series of 1:1 energy healing sessions, 

  • email and voice memo support between sessions, 

  • personalized homework and resources to help you know and express more of your true nature and 

  • a custom, handcrafted Intentional Creation Journal based on your unique energies. In this journal, you can write your dreams into reality and reflect on your growth.

More info coming soon!

Questions? Interested? Let me know.
I’m happy to talk with you by email or a Zoom call to see if this is a good fit for you.

This absolutely will not be a hard-sell kind of sales call. Gross. I genuinely want to get to know you and your aspirations. If I can help you, I’ll let you know. If I can’t, I’ll try to refer you to someone who can.