Transforming Energy
Our recent Reiki, Rest + Release workshop was a success!
Altar art consisting of hand-bound book, mixed media art, smudge sticks, and botanical eco-printed cloth. Imbued with reiki and healing frequencies to help set the energetic container of our work.
Christel Joy Johnson of CJoy Yoga and I used reiki, intention, presence, and creativity to transform a studio space that hosts high-intensity movement classes into a restful and safe environment for going deeply inward.
Heartfelt Feedback: Grounding and Presence
One student said she has often had difficulty connecting with her root chakra and feeling grounded.
During the workshop, she felt energy flow through her legs for the first time, bringing a profound sense of grounding and presence. She left feeling inspired to continue working with this newfound energy. I love witnessing this kind of life-changing transformation!
Everyone is Welcome
Some students had previous experience with both restorative yoga and reiki. Others were familiar with one modality, and some were new to both. Some students came because they wanted to try something new or had heard of reiki's complementary role in therapy, and some came because they wanted relaxation and stress relief.
The Beauty and Wisdom of Reiki
The beauty of reiki is that it comes directly from Source and works on behalf of the highest good. I am continually amazed by the insights, healings, and experiences clients and myself experience with this healing energy.
Reiki meets us where we are and gently offers us what we need.
Gentle Reminders for the Holiday Season
Speaking of gentleness, I hope that you will be gentle with yourself and others this holiday season. Sometimes, there is pressure to perform the holidays in a specific way. Or we might miss loved ones who are no longer in physical form.
Now is the season for celebrating love in the midst of darkness. That love is for yourself, too.