Going Within…

There was a time in my life when I would go to a restorative yoga class every Sunday evening and, without fail, cry during one of the poses.

At the time, I was under considerable stress: 

  • working an energy-draining job at a university (it looked great on paper, and my family was proud, but I was miserable), 

  • being in a relationship that was unhealthy in every way, 

  • giving way too much to people, 

  • being in too many noisy and overstimulating environments, 

  • not allowing myself enough time to rest and replenish my energy

Ugh. Sound familiar?

So I'd attend the peaceful yoga class, with the lights turned down low, linger in poses for several minutes at a time. 

Somewhere near the end of class when my nervous system had enough time to settle, the sadness and grief that had been trapped in my body were able to release as tears.

"The tears are a sign of a good class," I would joke. 

Until one week, there were no tears. 

That's odd. And that began to happen more often. The classes were still just as good as before. 

Why don't I need to release in the same way? Puzzling over that, I realized that I had healed.

The classes provided me with enough stillness, safety, and reconnection with my body to allow my body to reach a new place of equilibrium. 

This class was not enough to "fix" all the challenging external circumstances in my life, but it gave me enough peace and safety to begin taking new action.

Reiki, Rest + Release

Christel Joy Johnson (of C Joy Yoga) and I are teaching an in-person workshop called Reiki, Rest + Release at Kaleidoscope Yoga Studio on Saturday, November 23, from 3 to 4:30 p.m. 

Christel Joy, a seasoned yoga instructor and practitioner, will guide us through gentle, restorative yoga poses. She is my teacher and exceptionally good at working with bodies that are recovering from illness or injury. 

I, an advanced Karuna Reiki practitioner and teacher, will send distance Reiki to the studio and group, and give hands-on Reiki treatments to students during the yoga poses.

Some of my newest sacred artworks will be displayed in the studio to help create sacred space and nurture healing. 

These unique healing arts blend effortlessly, allowing long-held emotions to be released gently and safely, creating more ease and peace in our physical and energetic bodies.

Class size is limited to 12 students so that everyone can get personal attention.

Register at Kaleidoscope

Click on November workshops and you'll see our event.

Please let me know if you have any questions. 

I would love to see you in class and support your journey to knowing and honoring yourself more completely.

May you easily let go of your outdated identities,



Making Space for What is


The Beauty Way — Fall Equinox Oracle Reading